Twilight Whackers

 Monday, April 23, 2007 (Week #1)

Howdy Golfers,

A windy start to the season at Raceview. Our next golf date is April 30 and we’ll be golfing on Falconridge.

 This weeks “Long Drive” and “Closest to the Pin” Winners:

Congrats to Beni Colasante (closest to the pin – 3 feet) on #8 and to Trevor Lumley (longest drive – 250 yards) on hole #6.

 Please talk to Stephanie to receive your prize. To win the closest to the pin contest, your ball has to end up on the green. To win the longest drive contest, your ball has to end up on the fairway. You are allowed to win the long drive and closest to the pin only once each per year during league play. If you have already won the closest to the pin, please do not move the marker if you are closer. If you have already won the longest drive, please do not move the marker if your drive is longer.

“Long Drive” Winners:

Trevor Lumley

 “Closest to the Pin” Winners:

Beni Colasante

 50/50 Winner: Congratulations to Beni Colasante who won this weeks 50/50 pot of $53.00. We have raised $53.00 so far this year. The cost is only $2 for 1 ticket or 3 tickets for $5 to get in on the action. You can buy your tickets at the bar before your game or during supper. The proceeds will be used towards our annual banquet and tournament costs.


Upcoming Events: (free advertising for your event!)

Group Lessons will start in May.  Stay tuned for more details.  The cost is only $10 which includes a bucket of balls. Everyone is welcome. Bring out your spouse or a friend as well.


Team Standings:

Joey is busy making the teams as we speak.  We will let you know the makeup of the teams once everyone has paid the first instalment of their dues.  Last years teams were as follows. 

 Team # 1 - Pion’s Pirates, Team # 2 - Spratt’s Brats, Team # 3 - Warner’s Warriors, Team # 4 - Barrett's Bombers, Team # 5 - Banker’s Bums

 Your team standings will be posted each week in the clubhouse on the bulletin board beside the TV. Please ensure you hand in your scorecards at the bar each week and write down the first and last name of each player so that Joey can read it. The scoring system we are using is 1 point for a bogey, 2 points for a par, 3 points for a birdie and 4 points for an eagle.

 Top Golfers: No stats available.

 Birdies this week: No stats available.

 League Dues: The first half dues are payable on Monday. Please pay Stephanie at the cash when you check in. The first instalment is $179. ($144 green fee plus $35 league fee)

 Tournament: Our annual tournament and closing banquet date will be confirmed shortly.  We will approach the club to see if Saturday, September 22nd is available. 

 League Perks: Don't forget that as a league member, you are entitled to a large bucket of range balls each Monday. If you don't have time to warm up before your game, ask for a free bucket of balls coupon when you check in and come back another time to practice. Golf carts on league nights are $12 per cart. We’ll also receive a 20% discount on all pro shop items (except clubs) on Monday nights. So why not wait to make your golf purchases at the club on Monday nights and help our club grow. And of course it's a perk to be served by Stephanie and the Ladies of Raceview!

 Golf Etiquette: Please make an extra effort to fix your pitch marks on the greens. It’s a good practice to fix your ball mark and at least one more, even if it wasn’t yours. Please leave the course in better shape than when you started. Ball mark repair tools are available free of charge at the club house if you need one. Please waive faster groups through to keep things moving, especially if you have a clear hole in front of you. Remember that Range Balls are only to be used on the driving range. Keep all carts away from greens, tees and bunkers.

 League Rules: (to speed up play)

The penalty for going “Out of Bounds” during league play is 1 stroke and you get to keep your distance. Drop your ball within 2 club lengths of where your ball last crossed the fairway and fire away. The maximum score on a hole is double par. If you reach that number, please pick up your ball. Remember for team scoring purposes, you don’t get any points for scores over bogey. Limit time looking for lost golf balls to 1-2 minutes. You can use the red tees if you prefer at any time. This includes the long drive and closest to the pin holes as well.

 Spare Policy: If you can't golf on a given Monday, please arrange for a spare to come out. Your spare will pay you directly because you have already prepaid for the round. Please advise your spare to check in at the pro shop to pay for their dinner before teeing off. If they can't make dinner, the clubhouse should be advised (at 822-6742) by Monday at noon so they can budget the proper amount of food for the night. If you know of anyone who would like to be added to the spares list or play regularly please email Dave Mitchell or any of your executive.


Housekeeping: (The club has asked us to advise the following)

1) We are not allowed to bring alcohol onto the course. The club could lose its liquor license. Please purchase your drinks from the bar cart.

2) If you are not staying for supper, please call and inform the club at 613-822-6742 by noon each Monday.

3) If you are staying for supper, please pay for your $10 meal ticket before you golf.

4) Suggestions are always welcome!


Spares List: (please advise if you would like your name added to the list)

Tony Mitchelson - h 526-8669

Art Richardson - h 824-1158, c 722-5922

John Stairs - w 991-9911, h 249-9622, c 266-2490,

Tony Silveira - c 866-3237, h 822-2674, w 731-1550 x2268

Steve Young - h 270-0230, c 614-8317,

Ron Geroux - c 791-8456

Randy Spear - 822-2633

Ron Cuirrier - h 526-1015, c 866-6614

Bruce Coffin - 613-599-5183(H), 613-521-9626(W)

Bernie Bedard - w(613)782-0222, h (613)741-4938, c(613)850-9151
Rick Stappert - (h) 747-3551, (w) 957-5812


Please patronize our Sponsors: (send me an email and I will add or edit your entry)

Please take note of our sponsors listed below and please call them if you need any of their services. If you would like to sponsor a night for the “Longest Drive” and “Closest to the Pin” competition, please contact Stephanie or one of your executive.

 B&B Drywall - Stino Bueti - Cell 223-7893 or 821-9822, , 6933 Twin Lakes Avenue, Greely, Ont. K4P 1P1

CAR-O-PRACTOR - Dan Prezeau - 838-2184, , 5949 Ottawa St. Richmond, Ont. K0A 2Z0

Doug’s Truck and Automotive, NAPA Manotick - Ken Warner - 692-3537, - 1142 Clapp Lane, Manotick, Ont. K4M 1A5

Teledyne Controls Simulation Limited - Steve Roberts - 749-6980,

Scotiabank - Dave Mitchell – 613-591-2007, , 8100 Campeau Dr. Kanata, Ont. K2T 1B7

Dave will give you a $25 gift certificate if you make a referral to him. 

Bear Creek Custom Clubs - Kim Suitor - 823-1784 - Certified Rifle Centre - Custom Clubs, Re-Shafting, Re-Gripping, Repairs. - 2 Benchland St. Nepean, Ont. K2J 4G1

Montana's - South Keys

Royal Oak - 1217 Wellington, Ottawa, Ont. K1Y 2Z8 - 728-6661

Ottawa Athletic Club - Colin Orr - 523-1540 -

 Give Colin a call for a Golf Lesson at Falconridge

Falconridge Golf Club - 822-6742 - 4740 High Rd. Gloucester, Ont. K1X 1B3

Email Stephanie at

Email Steve Spratt at


Your Executive:

President - Ken Warner (692-3537) -

Secretary / Treasurer - Dave Mitchell (591-2007) -

Director - Dan Prezeau (838-2184) -

Director - George Mitchell (990-2459) -

Director - Joey Barrett (759-6540) -

 Golf Links:

Please advise of any email addresses that need to be added to the weekly newsletter circulation list. If you have any suggestions or comments for the league, please email any of your executive, Stephanie or Steve Spratt.

Thank you for your commitment to the league and have a great week!

Dave and your Executive!